
The homepage of EagleRock
Archive for February 2013

Eagleworld is now on Port 80!


Hey, everyone!

Well, I know it's not the most exciting news out there, but I am happy to announce that the website is now running on the default port (80). Why the big deal? Well, now there is no more need for messy redirects nor using port 8000, which means when you type www.eagleworld.net, you are actually going to go there, and not to http://web.eagleworld.net:8000/.

Additionally, the two major sub-sites of Eagleworld.net have been moved to their own Virtual Host and their own subdomain. From now on, you can get to the Minecraft server at minecraft.eagleworld.net, and you can get to the EGB Forums at egb.eagleworld.net.

The only side effect is that some of the links will no longer work, but I have put up redirect pages in place to stave off this problem. So, if you accidentally go to www.eagleworld.net/minecraft, it will automatically bring you to the proper place after letting you know the URL has changed.

I hope this change makes the site easier to use and gives a much more refined and cleaner experience. Enjoy!